The Henry Street Canal required heavy clearing on both sides of the canal. A cofferdam was built with two 12-inch pumps to by-pass the water around the work area, 18-inch HDPE was used for the by-pass system. Excavation for this project was 15 to 25-feet deep in order to subgrade for the Gabion Baskets and Gabion Mattresses. Construction of sidewalk, curb, and fence was performed. Sod was placed on the slopes of the canal. The embankment on this project included geosynthetic straps to hold the fill in place and type two erosion mat on the slopes for the sod to stay in place on the 1 to 1 ½-foot slopes. The pipework included 15-inch to 48-inch pipe. Working with limited space on both sides of the canal was a challenge on this project, as there was private property within one foot of the FDOT right away.