Crisdel incorporates value engineering and analysis into our design and construction process for our commercial, industrial, transportation, and aviation projects. Through value engineering, we can analyze and improve our projects’ process, schedule, costs, and risks, producing assured and innovative designs to create the greatest possible value for our customers.
Resolve Stakeholder Issues
An important part of the value engineering process is bringing all the stakeholders together to maximize the projects function while minimizing costs to generate the greatest value for the project. It is essential to create a cohesive partnership amongst owners, designers, contractors and maintenance departments to ensure a benefit is created for all team members.
Improves Project Schedule
Through the design and review process, opportunities arise to alter construction sequencing in order to maximize efficiencies in productivity, which reduces a project’s schedule and cost.
Improves Constructability
A projects design, logistics, sequencing and schedule may inadvertently cause issues with constructability. The value engineering process allows the value engineering team to review all aspects of the project and implement alternate solutions to improve the project.
Eliminates Unnecessary Costs
By using alternative materials, methods, and approaches to construction projects, value engineering can help reduce project costs while maintaining superior results.
Improves Project Quality
Value engineering is not only a cost savings technique but it is also a process that addresses all aspects of a projects lifecycle. Value engineering teams should always address initial construction and long-term operational maintenance costs, to ensure maximum value by creating improved functionality and performance in materials and improved results in quality assurance.

We are only one part of the team; we work with owners and designers to help achieve a mutually beneficial outcome. Our goal is to provide our clients with enhanced value and reduced costs. We analyze all aspects of a project, including production, design, build, and maintenance. To request a value engineering proposal for your project, contact Crisdel online.